A few days back I saw UP Headlines - first at one of the sites that link me in their feed - can't recall which - but I do recall reading at the Free Republic site about this "KENYAN-BORN" 2004 East African Standard article.
I plugged it into google wanting to see where my site came in since I had already posted this article 14 months ago. I didn't get indexed or I am being blocked again...wth?
I wanted too address this "KENYAN-BORN" 2004 article.
Sorry, but I don't see what the excitement is all about?
As I point out in my own Kenyan-born 2008 notes, (at the bottom of the page in the above link) aprox. 7 days later, at the very same Standard paper, another author wrote that Obama was NOT Kenyan born.
Does one cancel another?
Which is accurate?
There are MANY papers who say he is foreign born- there are far more that say he is Hawaiian born.
Whichever it is may never be discovered unless a Judge with some red white and blue gonads finally allows standing and discovery.
Where is the 'truth' and why has Obama gone to such extraordinary lenghts to hide and seal up all records of his past?
Personally I don't see how anyone who sneers at people questioning Obama and labeling them 'birthers' have any standing while ignoring all of the substantial discovery.
There are far too many unsavory facts about Obama's past and present too ignore. Far too many documented lies.
It is reported Obama has given Lawyers around one million (updated figure:$1,666,397.01 ) dollars to keep anyone from seeing his birth certificate and prevent anyone from getting a day in court.
What, are you flippin' a coin? Easy to avoid all of these lawsuits. Just show the dang BC and keep a million bucks...
Please- don't tell me he already did with the COLB - remember his sister was born out of country and she reportedly HAS a Hawaiian COLB also.
Of all the technical examinations and claims of Pshopped COLB forgery I make no opinion based on those findings. I just don't know.
BUT - the one glaring problem I have with the COLB is where it says:
Father's Race: African.
There is no such RACE.
Please- don't point me in the direction of a Hawaiian Newspaper, showing Obama's birth 9 days After he was born, and scoff sarcastically about how mama must have known her kid would one day be president so she signed him up.
IF Barry was born out-country then Booking lil bams name into a USA newspaper had nothing to do with a natural born status - registering would have been, imo, for the sole purpose of receiving an opportunistic citizen document enabling those grand ole demo "U.S." entitlement hand-outs for mama and son.
Getting away from my point again - Newspapers regarding Obama can be, and have been, changed.
A lot of changes with Obama and his Nobel Cease sized crew.
I have listed here on this site alone 3-4 News articles that were scrubbed entirely and several speech transcripts that were changed.
Anything can be re-written.
Today I saw @ The Captain's Quarters web page a site in the blog roll mentioning the Kenyan - Born 2004 article at
Alan Keyes site... in the comment section a Jeff Jones and Captain Steve point out that
an original article from the Honolulu Advertiser
CHANGED the Sunday, January 8, 2006 article stating that Obama was foreign born.
from article:
"Duckworth is happy to point out that she and Hawai'i-raised Punahou graduate Obama have "a kama'aina connection."
"Both were born outside the country — Obama in Indonesia, Duckworth in Thailand — and graduated from high school in Honolulu — Punahou and McKinley, respectively."
A poster, Jeff Jones, @ Keyes site points out the page scrubbing, and adds:
This morning the same page at same URL says:
"Duckworth is happy to point out that she and Hawaii-raised Punahou graduate Obama have "a kama'aina connection."
Both graduated from high schools in Honolulu — Punahou and McKinley, respectively."This part of the original article has been removed: "
Both were born outside the country — Obama in Indonesia, Duckworth in Thailand — and graduated from high school in Honolulu — Punahou and McKinley, respectively."
Ok, so we can add Indonesia to the list of papers to further confuse the issue while also further fueling opposition feedback and name calling...Such a grand Unifier this Obama - but that's not my issue today.
The scrubbing of the text is the issue. That and the shell game that continues to be played on all of us trying to get to the clusterducked bottom of the Obama truth barrel.
This text was not just cleaned up but the new page at the very same URL (at the top of page) now says:
CORRECTION: A correction on this story was published on Sunday, Jan. 15, 2006: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., was born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961. A Page One story last Sunday contained incorrect information about his birthplace.Fine, they made a correction--- nothing to see here - moveon.fightthesmears net- fabricators obscured another one ...
NOT so fast son - ...
A correction on this story was published on Sunday, Jan. 15, 2006...Where?
I've looked at
the Sunday 15th 2006 Back-Issues page, and also in same date
archiveorg pages.
I sure don't see it.
I looked, and looked, and that purported correction, even in the newspapers
CORRECTION LINK, just isn't there.
original page was indexed all the way up until Sept. of 2007 - and no removal-correction of any Text in body of article is displayed. Nor any note at top of any of the archived pages of a correction.
As of just a few days ago this exact same URL did not contain this Sanitized corrective message.
me if I'm wrong.
Somebody at
"HA" needs to explain themselves and point out the article's location as Titled...
I'd lay odds, from this country's legion of ObamaNation politic gatekeepers, that just won't happen.
update: This morning I found this
on scribd :
GETTING IT STRAIGHT - The Honolulu Advertiser: Archives
Honolulu Advertiser - Honolulu, Hawaii
Date: Jan 15, 2006
Start Page: A.4 Section: Main
Text Word Count: 52
Document Text Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., was born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961. A Page One story last Sunday contained incorrect information about his birthplace.
If you have a question or concern about the accuracy, fairness or thoroughness of an item in The Honolulu Advertiser, please call reader representative Anne Harpham at 525-8033.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.
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8/29/09 9:31 PM
pqasb.pqarchiver.com is a pay for service. It would appear from this paid for search by a ladysaidy that a correction was found in the Honolulu archives on 8/29/09.
I do not use my credit card online for such things so do not know if it's actually an accurate representation, or when it may have been added too an archive;
but it does appear to be listed.
The bottom line, so unfortunately, is that when you have a person who is caught in so many lies one just can not 'trust' anything that person says.
When there has been so much erasing, changing, and disappearance of so many documents especially by the media you can't trust them either.
It is still clear that someone added the "correction" only in this last week to the original page - but unclear if there was an actual correction in 2006. Unfortunately, just as the example above shows, the archives could have been manipulated just as the original article was...
Now I'm curious why someone was looking up the 'correction' on 8/29/09 9:31 PM.
Actually- it's a distraction I'll skip.
Some papers state Obama was foreign born - some are adamant about Hawaii - I've read Canada and Seattle and I'm pretty sure I read somewhere he's a space alien too.
I calls em how I sees em - gathering info as I go - and I think this one, as a suspicious cover-up, is in the dead file. The Paper DID change the original page- but there may have been an actual retraction the following week according to the archive listed above.
In this dishonest change-Obamanation one just never knows for sure - do one?