Fresh - Clean - & Motivated! NO-Obama! Hell No! I won't "0"!
There's a New webSite and NoBama Forum in Town pardners!
Welcome to Country First!
The mission for this website is to defeat Obama. Your political affiliation makes no difference here. You might be a disenfranchised Hillary supporter, a scared stiff Independent or Republican, a Democrat without a party or an ex-Obot.
We want you here and hope to keep your eyes open and your spirit motivated. And we believe that you can do the same for all the members of this community, too.

Visit their new forum @
Find some of your old friends there - like Lucy ^ MamaE ^ Poppy and Labonbon. The Philadephia Roof Doctor himself - always one of the first with a breaking news story!
Greetings Greybeard from LaBonBon and JayHouston!
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